Planning Tool for Robotic Inspection

With the CAD-based visual inspection system CAD2SCAN, areas of multi-layered components to be inspected can be defined directly in the CAD model, inspection plans can be optimized, and time-consuming inspections can be automated, thus reducing inspection time. In addition, because multiple inspection points can be captured in a single image, cycle time can be reduced. In combination with Kitov’s Smart Visual Inspection and Review Station modules, the system offers various visual inspection options. This can be demonstrated especially on components with complex 3D geometry and complicated inspection requirements. For robot-based visual inspection, the tool automatically takes all available information, including geometry and component specifications, from CAD. Using this data, the software calculates the best viewing and illumination angles for each specific feature. Subsequently, the acquired surface data is exported to the Kitov Planner tool and a 3D model of the component to be inspected is generated.

CAD2Scan übernimmt automatisch alle verfügbaren Informationen inklusive der Geometrie- und Bauteilspezifikationen aus dem CAD. Anhand dieser Daten berechnet die Software für jedes spezifische Merkmal die besten Betrachtungs- und Beleuchtungswinkel.
Image: ATEcare Service GmbH & Co. KG
ATEcare Service GmbH & Co. KG